Putting away the pharmaceuticals (medication) for good?

For those with PTSD, many avenues for relief lead to medication. Yes, meds do work. However, in most cases medications need to be taken daily, sometimes at multiple times during the day in order for them to work. The meds, may be expensive, even if most of the cost is covered by insurance. However, compliance is a major issue for someone with PTSD. Taking the medication at multiple times during the day, where you may be out of the house, or at work, can be difficult to accomplish. Moreover, if you forget to take the meds, you can create a problem wherever you may be. Generally, many of us forget to take important things at key times, which create negative situations.
However, with RESET THERAPY, that doesn’t generally happen, because we try to eliminate the problem. Therefore, you won’t need to be so reliant on medication. That is not saying that you won’t require a minimum amount of medication to get through the day, but forgetting to take that dose won’t compromise your situation or position. If we can eliminate or diminish the pain, i.e. the reasons for the medication, then we can certainly minimize the occurrence of problematic situations.
Wouldn’t you rather put away the medication and not have to take it?
Try RESET THERAPY, it really does work in many cases. Isn’t worth the try??

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Hallandale, FL 33009

5571 N. University Road
Suite 101
Coral Springs, Fl 33067

2 Rechov Sheshet Hayamim Knissa Gimmel, Apartment 19 Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem

(954) 455-0388

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