Reset Therapy

Reset Therapy is really an acronym for Reconsolidation Enhancement by Stimulation of Emotional Triggers. PTSD is defined as a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event – either from personal experience or as a witness. Symptoms include: flashbacks, nightmares, stress, severe anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, various addictions, and social withdraw. PTSD concerns more than veterans. The symptoms also impact first responders, clinicians working in acute hospital settings, and any adult that has experienced any form of trauma.

One of the key points made by Dr. George Lindenfeld, the father of RESET therapy, is that PTSD is a disease of the memory. “The real problem is not that the trauma happened in the first place, but the fact that the memory of the trauma can’t be forgotten,” he explained. “Adults dealing with PTSD end up reliving the trauma over and over again and that includes mental pictures of the experience and their associated emotions such as fear, anger and sadness.” “Specifically, RESET Therapy interrupts memory reconsolidation in the limbic system of the brain,” explained Dr. Lindenfeld. “We have learned from recent advances in neuropsychology and brain mapping that PTSD symptoms closely interweave with memory circuits in the limbic system. By focusing on the trauma, PTSD patients activate (light up) the targeted neural circuits in the brain. Their active participation is critical to the success of RESET Therapy.”

Another extremely important fact about Reset Therapy is that it offers a non-pharmaceutical approach to resolving the effects of PTSD. If you are taking medication, please continue taking it. Reset Therapy will not interfere with any of the medication that you are currently taking. However, with the successful application of Reset Therapy, you may be able to reduce or eliminate (per your Physician’s authorization) the medication that you are taking for the PTSD. 

Reset Therapy uses a device called the Baud, (Bio-Acoustical Utilization Device) which is a hand-held device with a unique technology based on the latest discoveries of neuroscience. By simply listening to special sound frequencies through the BAUD with earphones that are common to brain frequencies, you can actually affect the function of neural activity deep within the brain. The BAUD’s intermixed sound frequencies and waveforms help to stimulate natural brain plasticity which results in a powerful shift and release of the energy driving external problems.

Dr. Lindenfeld explains the connection between The BAUD.  and RESET Therapy: “The BAUD helps re-stimulate the reactive limbic portion of the targeted neural circuit via sound. It also introduces a modifying stimulus in the form of a disruptive theta-pulsed sound that interrupts the reconsolidation of the sensitized memory circuit.”

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Coral Springs, Fl 33067

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(954) 455-0388

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