Navigating Major Life Changes: How To Handle Transitions and Chase Your Passions

Life is full of surprises, some planned and others surprising. Some shake up our everyday routine and force us out of our comfort zone. A few common life changes include: Ending a long-term relationship Losing a loved one Relocating to a new state or country Expanding your family Pursuing a career-related dream Transitions can be thoroughly challenging and cause feelings...[ read more ]

Divorce Like a Mensch!

Yona Elishis and Sarah Nissel view their position at the helm of the Jewish Divorce Assistance Center (JDAC) as peacekeepers. They believe that certain things can help make the divorce process as smooth as possible. “I don’t want to distill something so complicated and delicate,” Sarah Nissel states, “but there are some practices we found, based on experience, that can...[ read more ]

Disability healthcare information

I’m currently looking for resources assisting those with disabilities and found your website helpful. It aligns with what we are also trying to accomplish for communities across the country. As a Medicare patient resource center (Note: we do not sell or provide healthcare plans), we’ve made it our mission to help people with disabilities to get the most out of...[ read more ]

Homegrown Methods to Help You Sleep After Losing a Loved One

Losing a loved one can alter a person’s appetite, reduce immune function, and cause serious problems with sleeplessness. During this difficult time, it’s important to get enough sleep and keep your body moving. Since sleep can be harder to come by while grieving, here are a few methods you can utilize to sleep better, presented below by The Helping Place, LLC/ PTSD...[ read more ]

Positive Decision Making

Many of us have difficulty making decisions. We tell ourselves all kinds of stories so we won’t have to make decisions. It really doesn’t make a difference if it is a major decision, small decision or a just a decision about what you want to eat. Decisions are fraught with: I can’t do it, it won’t come out good, I...[ read more ]

Ditch These 5 Things Today to Instantly Improve Your Life

Nobody in the world is perfect, and we all have things in our lives we know aren’t good for our physical, mental, or emotional health. Maybe it’s a manipulative friend or spouse, unhealthy junk food habit, a job we’re burned out from, or negative thinking patterns. Maybe it’s clutter and disorganization at home. Whatever the case, The Helping Place, LLC with offices in Hallandale...[ read more ]

Getting Outside: How Outdoor Time Is Beneficial During Recovery

Exercise, in its many forms, is beneficial for so many reasons. It can help us lose weight, get in shape, and reduce stress. It can also help us feel better during bouts of depression or when the symptoms of PTSD are at their worst. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, a whopping 40 million adults in the...[ read more ]

5 Essential Tips for Military Members Re-entering Civil Society

Today, many people are considering what it means to re-enter the world after putting their lives on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic. Veterans and active military members are also familiar with the tumultuous process of re-entering society. Many men and women in the military struggle with their mental health and career decisions during this transition period, and services like PTSD...[ read more ]

Missed Love

My son called me on Sunday morning, to let me know that a good friend had just died from a drug overdose. I knew the young man since he was 4 years old, and now he would have been 42. I know his parents, his sister, his aunt and uncle, his cousins and I knew his grandparents.  He was a...[ read more ]

Remediation of PTSD in a Combat Veteran: A Case Study

George Lindenfeld1*, George Rozelle2, John Hummer3, Michael R. Sutherland4, and James C. Miller Abstract The post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) condition is a systemic neuro inflammatory state that emanates from a failure to recover from traumatic occurrence(s). Major complications associated with PTSD include problems with impulse control and issues related to verbal and physical outbursts of anger and rage. The...[ read more ]

3001 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 302
Hallandale, FL 33009

5571 N. University Road
Suite 101
Coral Springs, Fl 33067

2 Rechov Sheshet Hayamim Knissa Gimmel, Apartment 19 Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem
(954) 455-0388

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