Remediation of PTSD in a Combat Veteran: A Case Study

George Lindenfeld1*, George Rozelle2, John Hummer3, Michael R. Sutherland4, and James C. Miller

Abstract The post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) condition is a systemic neuro inflammatory state that emanates from a failure to recover from traumatic occurrence(s). Major complications associated with PTSD include problems with impulse control and issues related to verbal and physical outbursts of anger and rage. The Veteran’s Administration (VA) projects a post–9/11 veteran population of around 3.5 million by 2019. Emotional problems are prevalent among combat service members and veterans with about half of the group suffering from various symptoms of PTSD. Three in four among them report they are reliving traumas in the form of flashbacks and nightmares. Current mental health treatments have not fully remediated the negative impact that results from PTSD. We present a case study of a novel and transformative treatment approach called Reconsolidation Enhancement by Stimulation of Emotional Triggers (RESET) Therapy. The intervention uses binaural sound to unlock the memory reconsolidation process, thereby releasing the emotional component of experienced trauma. RESET Therapy offers a compelling therapeutic adjunct to the practicing biofeedback/neurofeedback clinician, who is under constant pressure to deliver interventions that are rapid, tolerable, and cost-effective. Additionally, the treatment spares the therapist from repeated exposures to the raw limbic activity of traumatized patients, thereby minimizing the potential for vicarious traumatization.


The included case study aims to introduce the neurofeedback practitioner to a promising new neurofeedback-based intervention called Reconsolidation Enhancement by Stimulation of Emotional Triggers (RESET) Therapy, a type of brief nonverbal exposure therapy utilizing auditory stimulation via an individually-intonated binaural beat. We demonstrate the RESET procedure using a case study involving a veteran volunteer who took part in a larger pilot study (Lindenfeld, Rozelle, Soutar, Hummer, & Sutherland, 2019).

Conclusion of the Study:

While not intending to overstate our findings, we need to restate the critical need to find interventions that offer the potential to fully remediate those who continue to experience the residual and chronic effects of combat and trauma incurred through their service to our country. We as a country currently lose 20 veterans a day to suicide; it is critical that we do something better to serve those who served us. It is plausible that RESET therapy could be utilized to allow soldiers to recover from trauma-related PTSD and return to work and remain productive soldiers. Those who serve now, and who have served previously, deserve no less.

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