PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder, is based upon the recurrence of a traumatic experience. Whether it was during war, in the classroom, at work, or anywhere else, the problem is that it remains in your memory. Almost like a computer, you hit the right buttons, and up it comes, all over again. In this case, the memory is stored (filed) in the hippocampus portion of the brain, and when asked for the memory, our brain just spits it out. Many of us see it in full color, the same way it originally played out. For many, that is the problem, we don’t want to see it again, we don’t want re-live it, we just want to forget about it and move on with our lives. RESET therapy can help. Its function is to destroy or annihilate the memory, so it doesn’t re-appear. It does this using sound as the destroyer. It first minimizes the memories intensity, and ultimately attempts to terminate it entirely. However, minimizing the memory’s intensity starts the process of allowing the patient to live normally, without all the terrible side effects that the trauma brings.

If you are having trauma recurrences, having problems sleeping secondary to nightmares, or just would like to forget, give RESET therapy a chance. Call 954-455-0388 for an appointment.

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3001 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 302
Hallandale, FL 33009

5571 N. University Road
Suite 101
Coral Springs, Fl 33067

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(954) 455-0388

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