
Our Treatment Focus

Our focus is to help those with PTSD to  heal. We achieve this by using sound to help neutralize the trauma. To help minimize the intensity and eventually to help you function as a normal human being.
We use a machine called a “Baud”. The BAUD consists of a handheld sound-emitting appliance utilized by the patient in conjunction with a set of headphones. The BAUD has independent volume controls for the left and right ears.

RESET Therapy is the treatment process that interferes with a targeted memory being restored repeatedly after it is selectively lit up in the emotional part of the brain through the patient’s intentional focus. I use the term “target” in RESET Therapy and suggest to the patient that we are going to turn off the “switch” in the brain that produces the PTSD symptoms.

Finally, when this procedure is provided carefully by an adequately trained therapist, the patient’s nightmares and flashbacks are finally, completely and permanently gone! As this is conveyed through your patient’s transformative experience, you sense the absence of the poison within him/her and begin to experience personally the elation and joy of participation in this process. This becomes enhanced even further when the “thousand-yard stare” instantly disappears and is replaced by a look of wonderment. I assure you, this is a moment that you will never forget.

Our Patient Promise

We promise to be there for you every step of your journey. Our goal is to help you resolve your PTSD, minimize your daily discomfort and allow you to function in a normal way in our society.
My mentor in using Reset Therapy is Dr. George Lindenfeld, one of the pioneers in developing the science of Reset Therapy. He mandates  that our Veterans and patients cannot be subjected to this therapy by improperly trained counselors who have not been Credentialed in RESET Therapy, and therefore trains each practitioner himself.

Potential Outcomes

Experientially, we have learned that patients tend to fall into one of three groups. The first cluster experiences immediate relief ranging from partial to complete reduction of the targeted symptom. The second group notices a slight change initially that seems to build over the course of 24 hours. The third group, a minority, experiences no change at all.

While we can’t always promise complete success, we can assure the patient and his/her family, that we will try and get the best possible outcome for the patient. Thus far, no research or patient application has shown this procedure to be harmful to the patient.

Please read all the available information and use your best judgement when considering this procedure.


Contact Today

Hits: 1177

3001 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 302
Hallandale, FL 33009

5571 N. University Road
Suite 101
Coral Springs, Fl 33067

2 Rechov Sheshet Hayamim Knissa Gimmel, Apartment 19 Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem
(954) 455-0388

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